Sunday, June 11, 2006

Athens anarchists and students fight police (again)

Burning Car of the Day!

More photos from Athens Indymedia


At 2:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...



At 7:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As an anarchist, I belive in free will, and I also believe in responsibility.

During the course of their lives, people make decisions, and those decisions have consequences, not just for them but also for those around them. People are responsible for these consequences, and therefore have to accept them as the results of their actions.

When a man (or woman, etc...) kills without reason, they become a murderer, and must accept the consequences of that action, be it death, imprisonment, or whatever. This is accepted as normal in our society.

When a man joins the forces, he too makes a choice. He takes a side, and he must live with that. Policemen, soldiers, scabs; they all made their choices, and they chose to abandon their humanity for their own ends. Such callous collaboration should be punished.

A policeman can walk away from the badge, sure. And if he has truly changed, I will welcome him to our movement. But a policeman makes a choice when he joins, affirms that choice every day he turns up, reaffirms it when he attacks our comrades in the streets. He has chosen to be our enemy; and thus we will treat him as one.

At 9:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Naaah... my "wtf" was because i did not get the use of the term "Mr. Copper", believe it or not. Reading your post now i cant see any other way of reading it than what you meant.

"Anarchism/Communism - we have the same goal. "

Not really. Communism wants a state, even though they call it the "peoples" state. Anarchists wants freedom.

At 12:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

umm thats not right ...

At 5:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I used to have a plan to save the world, but then I realised it was a load of vanguardist nonsense, so i abandoned it. Now I go through Grand Plans for the Revolution (tm) on a weekly basis, but always end up thinking of new ones pretty quick.

I dont think a plan for how we're going to change the world is particularly relevant; surely these things should we worked out together, as we go along? For now, I just do what I can, when i can. Which, as a Nihlist, mainly just involves distributing dumpstered food to the homeless at the moment. ..

Hey, I'm working on it, alright? :P

At 5:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, and yeah, the anarchism/communism thing; we believe all states to be harmful, regardless of their dogma. Plus, we've learnt the Lessons Of History. Namely, that communists betrayed and persecuted us in Russia, Spain, and China, and that they will do it again if we trust them again.

At 8:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Communism is history's word for love"? What sort of answer is that? You've evaded my points like some sort of politician...

At 11:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

libertarian communism... is another name for popular sub-varietes of anarchist thought..... so anarchy is not at ends with communism; but anarcho-communism and state-communism are very much so at ends with one and other.

state-socialism being the path to stateless-communism is just "the ends justify the means" bullshit

At 1:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Solidarity with the greeks students...
RIOTs in Paris Berlin London

At 6:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Before the Feb 1917 revolution, Trotski was in exile and he was working with some Social Democrats in a building where a bunch of different left groups had offices. Volpin and Trotski were once talking and Volpin said something like "It's all well and good, Trotski, but I know once you are in power you will have the anarchists killed." and Trotski said, something like, "no, no, we have the same goal, once we establish communism the state will wither away" and then he threw in a typically delicious trotski line like "The working class can't establish communism without the tool of the state, that would be like the blacksmith grabbing the hot iron with his bare hands." Years later, when Totski's red army defeated the Machno movement, red army soldiers asked Trotski "we have captured Volpin. What should we do with him?" and Trotski said, "Execute him immeadiately."

At 8:25 AM, Blogger The Chief said...

Anarchism isn't possible. People will always want to lead. People will always want to follow. Human nature destroys anarchism. The very act of getting together defeats the purpose of anarchy. You want not Anarchy. You want mayhem.


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